Hey, Queens! A minute ago we were celebrating New Years Eve and now we’re closing quickly on the Ides of March. Many of you joined me in December 2023 to start your Personal Strategic Plan (PSP), so how's it going? I suspect some of you have remained disciplined, some of you are doing so-so, and others forgot you even started your PSP. We’re likely all at different stages and that’s ok. I shared several of my goals with those who attended my Queen Code launch. Below is a reminder of how we intentionally craft our goals, as well as my personal update:
GOAL #1 - I will improve my physical health.
Strategic Action 1 - I will do cardio/lift weights 3X a week for a minimum of 40 minutes. Status - I am obsessed with getting my workout in and it’s more like 5-6 days a week. I’ve been traveling a bit for work and have discovered that most hotel gyms can meet my needs. And, when there’s no gym, I’m making sure to get a walk in. I am stronger and my mobility is improving. This Queen looks good and feels good!
Strategic Action 2 - I will work with my naturopath to learn more about balancing my nutrition, including supplements. Status - I am killing the game with taking my supplements and I can tell the difference in how I feel throughout the day. However, I’m still struggling with my food intake. I recently started using an app to track my intake and found that I’m not consuming enough calories when I thought I was eating too much. I’m also tracking my macros and I suck at it, but I’m trying!
Strategic Action 3 - I will get 7 hours of sleep for 3 consecutive nights. Status - The struggle is real ya’ll. 6.5 hours of sleep is my magic number and I have yet to be consistent at getting in 7 hours for even 2 consecutive nights. I am at least getting in the bed earlier, but I need to put my phone down and get my brain to stop moving at 100 mph. I've had found that my brain quiets down when I pray and meditate, but that's a new habit I'm working to form. I already told ya'll I fall asleep when I meditate. #sorrynotsorry
Take a look at your own PSP and reflect, assess, and adjust as needed. Also, know that your goals are not made in stone. You can evolve them over time as your needs and goals shift and change. In fact, I recently added a goal to pay down debt (thank you law school and house) and am working with my financial advisor to revise my financial goals.
If you want to hear more about why and how I’m thinking about this new goal, please join us for the next virtual Queen Code: Cultivating your Financial Foundation on March 16 at 9:30 am PT. I’ll be joined by two Queen financial advisors, Cat Dixon and Jinji Amen to demystify financial planning. We’ll also revisit your PSP’s and get that new playlist from DJ QC so that we can keep that same energy we had back in December!
Crowns up, Queens!